Hello, my name is Tam Nguyen. But you can call me Saul Goodman!

I am a PhD student at the North Dakota State University, with a strong foundation in Physics and Mathematics. My research has centered on coupling Continuum and Particle approaches to model complex dynamics problems in multiple scales. I have been trained in High-Performance Computing and recently gained expertise in Machine Learning as a potential approach to accelerate simulations.

My portrait

High-Performance Computing

Start familierizing myself with Linux and HPC systems since Undergraduate. I have had opporoprtunities to work with several HPC systems from VNU Keylab, Forschungszentrum Jülich, NDSU, LBNL.

Strong Foundation

My professional experience for the last 10 years has always been learning and working as a researcher in Physics and Applied Mathematics.

Problem Solving

Having worked both in Academia and Industry, I delt with different problems at different scales. Several of them required me to start from scratch, learning new methodologies and tools to succeed.

Polygolot Developer

From commercial packages: GROMACS, ANSYS, StarCCM+, and COMSOL. To craft my own applications with programing languages such as MATLAB, C/C++, Julia, and Python.


I enjoy learning new things; especially practical, multidisciplinary topics.

Team Player

If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.

Selected Publications

Please take a look below at some of my featured work during my PhD years. It's not much but it's honest works. And I am grateful everyday for receiving amazing guidance and supervision.

Honors and Awards

I have been fortunate enough to receive praise for my work in several publications. Take a look below to learn more.